Year: 1966
VIN/#: C/N 113 042 10 013208
Price: (AUD) $108,500
* The cash price does not include transfer fee or stamp duty if this car is sold without registration. May be eligible under “club permit scheme” in Victoria.
Announced in 1963 the elegant W113 SL series was an instant classic. This desirable manual gearbox version was delivered new LHD in Maryland USA and has now covered approximately 106,000 miles.
There is some early history, and more recent expenditure for service work.
Also, attention has been carried out to brakes, shock absorbers, gear selectors, gearbox mountings and master and slave cylinders.
With the 4 speed manual gearbox and the more sporting rear suspension set up, only on 230SL models, this is a delightful road car which can be enjoyed in all weathers.
Fitted with the factory hard top and an excellent cream soft top this car provides the best of both worlds.
Finished in the attractive and original Havana Brown with a Cream hardtop and matching hub cap centres with an original interior showing just the right amount of patina.
The engine compartment is nicely presented and the boot likewise.
Comes complete with the original driver’s handbooks and wallet.
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