Year: 1951
VIN/#: C/N Y 6561 E/N XPAG/SC/X16364.
Price: (AUD) $25,500
* The cash price does not include transfer fee or stamp duty if this car is sold without registration. May be eligible under “club permit scheme” in Victoria.
This superb matching numbers Y type is finished in Maroon with black guards and has a tan leather interior piped in contrasting maroon in the
traditional manner.
Arrived into Sydney on board the SS Waiwera, it was first registered that year to a Mr F Jowsey of Kirribilli. NSW.
After competing in a Classic Car run in 2001 the car was comprehensively rebuilt.
More recently the car has been fitted with new tyres, fuel pump and tie rod ends.
This must be one of the finest Y type MG cars available anywhere, and accompanying the car is the original drivers handbook and workshop manuals plus an interesting history file and original jack and tool kit.
C/N Y 6561. E/N XPAG/SC/X16364.
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